The Custom Residential Architects Network® (CRAN) Knowledge Community develops knowledge and information to benefit architects who are engaged in, or who are interested in learning more about, custom residential practice. CRAN® presents information and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise to promote the professional development of its members via discussion forums, national symposia and conventions, publications, and local activities.

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  • Dear Fellow Georgia Custom Residential Architects,

    For many years Custom Residential Architects in Georgia, such as yourself, have been without:

    1- A strong voice to educate the public about the need of architects in all types of residential design

    2- A strong state network to help influence Georgia legislators in matters impacting specifically residential architects and their mostly small firms.

    3- A solid place for all Georgia residential architects to meet, fellowship, and share their love for the practice of Custom Residential Architecture

    In light of this, the AIA Georgia Board of Directors is examining creating an AIA Georgia Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) to provide the strong voice, state network, and place for Georgia Custom Residential Architects to exchange knowledge, resources, and positions on issues important to residential architecture.

    This state-level network will be an extension of the national AIA CRAN, accessed online at

    To get started, we need your help.

    Please join us in the AIA Georgia CRAN Interest Group. With this initial group of members, you will be at the forefront of a movement designed to encourage and celebrate the growth of local residential architects. We need your input and help in establishing the network and spreading the word among AIA members who focus on residential projects.


Tangela Monroe
Associate Executive Director
Email:  Click Here

Upcoming Events

CRAN Lunch & Learn:reSAWN Timber

Specifying Exterior Wood Cladding: A Guide to Timber Grades, Species, Aesthetics, and Environmental Benefits

May 15 | 12:00 P.M.

More Resources

Add me to the AIA Georgia distribution list for CRAN®.

Join the National AIA CRAN® Knowledge Community.