Submission Period:
January 16, 2025 – February 28, 2025


Tangela Monroe
Assistant Director
Email >


The Call for Entries for the 2025 awards program is now live. Register and submit by February 28, 2025 for consideration


Register to enter and submit by February 28, 2025

Review the awards categories, criteria, and submission requirements below. Please note, all projects must be the work of a registered Georgia Architect or student in a Georgia accredited Architecture program.


The deadline for submission has been extended to February 28, 2025, prior to 6 pm.

Registration closes promptly on February 28, 2025, at 5 pm to allow time for submission in time for the 6 pm deadline.

Award winners will tentatively be notified the week of March 17.


Single project submissions are $200 for AIA Members, $250 for not-yet members. Submitting the same project to additional award categories costs an extra entry fee.

Early bird rates are $175 for AIA Members, $225 for not-yet members (Register by January 26, 2025, before 6 PM)

Student project submissions are $25 (no early bird special)

Step 1

You must register and pay your entry fees for your projects. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Multiple projects may be registered at once.

You do not have to have final information for projects to register.

Save your payment confirmation number (available in the confirmation email)

Step 2

Submit each registered project individually via the online form available below.

For multiple projects registered together, use the same entry ID.

There is no save and continue later feature. Be prepared to submit once you have begun your submission form.

Once submitted, no edits can be made.

A sample application can be viewed here: Georgia Awards Sample Application

Please note: Some components of the sample application are subject to change from the final version and are merely here to allow a submitter to view the major criteria prior to logging on to the awards platform. Please rely on the online awards platform for the final criteria.

The jury also evaluates entries relative to the AIA Framework for Design Excellence. Submitted projects do not have to adhere to all measures but need to address several of them.

All project submissions require a photography consent form. Download the Photography Consent Form.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the awards program open?
The AIA Georgia Honors & Awards program typically opens in January each year and closes in late February or early March.

What is the deadline?
The deadline for all entries is typically in late February or early March. Awards submittals must be received by 6pm EST on their deadline. You can read the Call for Entries for specific dates.

Can I get an extension on my application?
Due to the nature of our programs and the schedules of our volunteer jurors, we cannot offer any extensions on submissions that are incomplete at the deadline.

Do I have to be an AIA member to apply?
To be eligible for our awards program you do not have to be an AIA member to apply. Entrants must come from a registered Georgia Architect who lives and/or works in Georgia. GA license # is required to submit.

Do I have to be an architect to apply?
The architect submitting the application must be a Georgia-licensed architect unless submitting for a student award.

Do I need to be nominated for an Honor Award to apply?
For the Honor Awards program, a nomination letter is required. This letter summarizes the contributions made as they relate to the criteria of the award and should not exceed one page.

How do I fill out the Framework for Design Excellence?
The Framework for Design Excellence is an important part of the AIA Georgia Awards program process. All projects must include 1-3 of the frameworks and provide support for each chosen. Detailed instructions are included on the online submission form. Please read them carefully.

Can more than one photo be shown on a page?
Photo collages are acceptable but it is important that there are not too many images on a single file to ensure the for the jury is able to discern important details. Renovation/Restoration projects are encouraged to use photo collages to demonstrate before and after changes to a site.

Do I need interior photography or night time photography?
Applicants should look at their specific project and category to determine what best suits the needs of communicating the strengths of their entry. Interior shots are requested, and highly recommended. Night time shots are helpful for projects that operate at night.

How are winners recognized?
Winners for the AIA Georgia Design & Honor Awards are recognized at an annual event typically held in the Spring. This lively event invites project teams, clients, friends, and family to celebrate the design and career prowess of its awardees. A press release is sent to news outlets across the State.

What should be included in the Photo Release Form?
All the photos, drawings, works in the submission must be accounted for in the Photo Release Form pdf. This is true for all applications whether you hold greater right or not.

Does the jury see the Photo Release Form?
No, the jury does not see the file. The file is for the records should you be recognized with the award.

How will I find out if my submission was successful?
Winners are notified via email to the point of contact listed in the submission form by early-to-mid March. Unsuccessful entrants are also notified at this time.