2020 Election Reports
National Election Report
Read the election download from PGR
Read the Sine Die Veto Report
Read the comprehensive election spreadsheet
June 30, 2020: The big topic of 2020 from beginning to end was the budget. Prior to the COVID-19 suspension, Governor Kemp had asked departments to plan on a 4% cut to their budgets– afterward, 10%. Read on for some of the key cuts and additions in the FY 2021 budget.
2020 Sine Die Report
June 19, 2020: On Monday, we reconvened to continue the 2020 legislative session. This week was full of surprises and kept us on our toes. We finally have an adjournment resolution that is explained later in the report, but it has Sine Die on Friday of next week.
June 12, 2020: On Monday, June 15th, the Georgia Legislature will reconvene following a lengthy suspension for Day 30 of the 2020 legislative session. The number one priority will be the FY21 state budget that is required by law to be passed by July 1st.
Georgia Primary Results
May 29, 2020: The country is beginning to open back up and Georgia is leading the way in those efforts. Governor Kemp issued a new executive order with some additional guidelines on day camps, overnight camps and the opening of restaurants and stores. The Governor addressed the continued fight against the virus.
May 22, 2020: We have heard from many legislators that they are anxious to get back to work. The budget is going to be a challenging task and the legislature is constitutionally required to pass a budget before the end of the Legislative Session and, in this case, prior to July 1.
May 15, 2020: Governor Kemp held a press conference on Tuesday, May 12th. The Governor issued two new executive orders and clarified other directives. Kemp addressed reopening the State Capitol. He said that the number of people allowed in the building will be limited.
May 8, 2020: Governor Kemp held a press conference on Thursday, May 7th to address the position of the State in the fight against COVID-19. Most of the information presented dealt with the increase of testing offered across the state.
May 1, 2020: Governor Kemp signed an executive order extending the State of Emergency through June 12th. Although the shelter-in-place expired for most Georgians last night, Kemp also extended the shelter-in-place for the medically fragile.
April 24, 2020: Governor Kemp held a press conference on Monday, April 20th. At this press conference, Governor Kemp surprised even his own Coronavirus Task Force in announcing plans to follow federal guidelines and begin phase one of opening the State of Georgia up for business.
April 17, 2020: Governor Kemp held a press conference on Monday, April 13th. At this conference he began by addressing the storms that occurred in Georgia on Sunday. The storms left extensive damage across northwest Georgia.
April 10, 2020: On April 8th Governor Kemp extended the state’s public health emergency until May 13th and the stay at home order until April 30th. In addition, he issued a number of executive orders he believes will continue to fight the spread of COVID-19.
April 3, 2020: We still have no news on when the legislature will resume, however there has been a call within the last week to postpone the May general primary.
March 27, 2020: On a conference call, Senator David Perdue addressed a group of elected officials and members of the business community urging everyone not to panic but to take this very seriously. He offered positive news in noting that 95% of factories in China have reopened and spoke about the $1 trillion federal stimulus package.
March 13, 2020: Thursday came and along with it came many rumors about the fate of the Legislative Session with the Coronavirus pandemic and the social distancing regulations that have been put in place.
March 6, 2020: This week at the State Capitol was qualifying week. This is the week that all candidates planning to run for their seats again qualify to do so. Additionally, they all find out if they will have opponents.
February 28, 2020: This week legislators picked up the pace – there were many committee meetings and legislation is moving quickly. Both Chambers are passing bills in anticipation of Crossover Day on March 12th.
February 21, 2020: After a very slow start with two weeks set aside to work on the budget, the legislature finally seems to be picking up steam.
February 13, 2020: The Legislature may have been in recess this week but there was still action under the Gold Dome. Legislators on the Appropriations Committees met throughout the week to work towards a solution to budget disagreements.
February 7, 2020: The Governor has tasked all agencies with cutting their budgets by 4% and then 6%. Following initial budget hearings legislators expressed many concerns over some of the cuts fearing service to Georgians would suffer.
January 24, 2020: This week was the annual budget week at the State Capitol. For the last couple years, the legislature has gaveled in and out in order to burn days during budget hearings. This year is different.
January 21, 2020: While the first week is often comprised of much pomp and circumstance, legislators wasted no time in getting to work. Along with the procedural necessities, there were a number of bills introduced as well as an “insist” on HB 276, Representative Harrell’s Sales Tax Bill introduced in 2019.
David Southerland
Executive Director
AIA Georgia
(678) 553 0509
Email: Click Here